poniedziałek, 12 listopada 2012

LoL Etal v 1.3

LoLEtal is a simple bot designed to do referrals for you and get them to level 5 while you are afk. It currently controls the mouse and keyboard, but you can install VMWare and use the bot and use your computer at the same time (see below).

Thats Hack give you free RP Points. U can have all champions and all skins !
Go to school, go to work, just hold on that bot and when u back u can have 1000 RP per day !

  • Instructions:
1. Make sure you are using the right settings (see the "settings" section below).
2. Download and extract Release130.rar to any folder.
3. Edit the config.ini file.
4. Add your accounts to accounts.txt.
5. Run LolEtal.exe
  • Settings:
Screen Resolution: greater than or equal to 1280 height AND 800 width. The ONLY smaller resolution supported is 1024x768.
Run as administrator
Change your in-game settings:
1. Open League of Legends and login to any account.
2. Go into a custom game.
3. Change the settings to match exactly like the settings below:
Menu > Video:
Menu > Interface:

Change your client language: (If you are using EU-W, your language should be English for everything to work properly).
Remove ANY mods installed! (The bot is not compatible with most mods!)

Decrease CPU Usage (optional):

Delete \League of Legends\rads\projects\lol_air_client\releases\(hig hest version available)\deploy\assets\swfs\login.swf to decrease cpu usage.
Open up the file "Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client_config_na\rel eases\\deploy\lol.properties" in notepad and change "lobbyLandingURL=http://landing.leagueoflegends.com/swf/landingPage.swf?ver=1" to "lobbyLandingURL=http://www.google.com"





If you want more IP/RP u can check this file. That my own code to LoL Etal can give u free ~ 100IP/RP per hour. How ? Check it.





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